Tuesday, May 10, 2011

12 basic Steps for better stakeholder Mangement

12 basic Steps for better stakeholder Mangement:

1. List out all stakeholders both Positive & Negetive Stakeholders.
2. Group them.
3. Find objectives for each stakeholders , their issues and concern.
4. Check if any conflicting objectives between stakeholders.
5. Plan on how to meet the expectation of each stakeholders with a gain or profit to the project and align to meet project req.
6. Find each stakeholders level of Responsibility as well authority over a project.
7. Find the extent of influence of each stakeholder on project and find how it vary over a period of time.
8. Donot always overlook the negetive stakeholders.
9. Give a balance management to both positive & negetive stakeholders.
10. Give priority on social environment,Corporate environment for better stake holder management.
11. Have Stakeholder Analysis, stakeholder communication and stakeholder assessment in hand always.
12. Engage top management and executives in front for stakeholder management on addressing oppurtinities.

For further clarification please email us :
pratap.sahoo@project-agile.com  project.agile2011@gmail.com

Thanks, -Pratap Kumar

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